Sunday, May 31, 2009


Busy busy weekend...

Friday, went to Costco with my BFF Melissa and her kids, then tried to figure out how to get some pics from Melissa's ancient computer onto a USB drive (with no success)

Yesterday, went running, hit up Value City Furniture and Anderson's with Melissa (sans kids, courtesy of her parents' very generous offer to watch the kids all day), went over to a friend's parents' house for a cookout (also with Melissa, after her mom encouraged her to hang out longer :D), then to the Filling Station to watch the Cavs lose

Today, gym, hanging out with the dog (who has the runs, courtesy of gorging herself on Kibbles and Bits while we were at the cookout last night-it's what their dogs eat), finished my progress reports, and am heading over to my parents' for dinner in a bit. So like I said, whee!

We are hopefully creeping a little closer to deciding on living room furniture...and getting the backyard fenced in...and all the other little stuff we need to do around here. None of which will be getting done next weekend, since we are going out of town with friends for a much needed minivacation. I can.not. wait...we need a break! Georgie will be going to Grandma and Grandpa's for the weekend, and will likely be even more spoiled than she already is :D

Man, is it REALLY Sunday already?!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I am...

the Queen of No Willpower. How do I "celebrate" a rest day off from running/the gym? With a Spicy Chicken sandwich and small fries from Wendy's, of course! And it was damn good, too :D

This rain needs to stop...otherwise, my running shoes won't see the light of day until Friday, if they're lucky.

Mulch Monday=great success. I got 7 of 9 bags spread while Jason cut the grass, he put out one bag while I admired the coating of mulch dust+sunscreen covering my limbs, and took care of the last one plus the four bags of pine chips we got to go under the top part of the deck today. Pictures to follow, when I get around to taking them. What I SHOULD have taken a picture of is the hot mess that I was following the fun of Mulch Monday. When I say "coating of mulch dust+sunscreen", I mean COATING. Talk about disgusting. I swear, nothing makes you appreciate a shower like being stickyyuckydirtygross.

Once we got clean, we took Georgie to the toy store (aka Pet People) to get some new bones and food, stopped at Rita's on the way back, and ended up cooking out with our friends Chad and Bev. Mmmm, food. And yes, we got Rita's BEFORE dinner, because that's just how we roll.

Now, a funny from school today, courtesy of one of my third grade girls...

A: "Guess what, Mrs. S?"
Me: "What?"
A. "I'm wearing a BRA!" (mind you, I see no problem with third graders wearing bras if they actually need them...this particular third grader does not.)
Me: "Oh, really? That's cool."
A: "Yep, me and my mom went bra shopping this weekend...I'm going to be JUST LIKE Hannah Montana!"
Me: "Sweetie, that's great...but your dad isn't Billy Ray Cyrus." (Someone has to be the realist here.)
A: "No, he's not. He can't sing at ALL. D'you think he'd grow his hair like Hannah's dad? Wait, never mind...I don't think he has enough hair for that."

Believe it or not, I'm really going to miss these kids :D

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Maybe, just maybe...

I don't have a black thumb after all! Meaning I haven't killed any of the above flowers yet (even though I really haven't touched the roses, those were there before we moved in).

Plus, I got to wield the electric hedge trimmers and tone down the bushes that line our deck.

And played in the yard with Miss Georgie.
I also bought a new vaccuum and tested it out by sucking up all the dog hair I could, picked up pruning shears and a sprayer for plant food, washed all the bed linens and towels (the dog is now currently leaving more hair on the bed by napping on my pillow, darn her), pruned the dead parts off the rosebushes and played with the dog some more, and am in the process of doing more laundry. All in all, a productive day. And I still have a speech eval and IEP to write up for school on Tuesday. Yeeha!
Check back soon for an account of Mulch Monday.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm bad.

Really, really bad. I am a horrible blog mommy, please forgive me :D Here's the recap of the last few weeks...the (semi) short version, at least.

The Pig-went great! I emerged free of major injuries, which was my main goal, and finished in 2:01:02. My very lofty time goal was 2 hours flat, so I'm really happy with my time. The funny part is that my sisters did this same 1/2 marathon 2 years ago, and both finished in 2:01:01. If only I'd hauled ass a little more!

Georgie-is the greatest dog ever. She is currently sleeping in our bed at night and not in the crate...turns out she's a little bit of a bed hog, but no worse than Jason :D Speaking of J, he thinks she's ready to leave out of the crate when we leave the house, but I just don't know if she's ready yet. She still hasn't had any accidents in the house or chewed up any of our stuff (except for bits of mulch and sticks off the bushes), so that's a good sign. She has also gotten over her fear of very large dogs and doesn't growl at them anymore unless they're playing, so that's GREAT. Hooray social skills! We are having a fabulous time spoiling her rotten.

House-also great. I got some impatiens and gazanias planted a couple of weeks ago, and have impatiens and a little herb garden in hanging baskets off the deck...and they're not dead yet! We DO need to mulch...meaning Jason needs to call Mr. Mulch to see about getting some delivered. Plus, we have quite the laundry list of stuff that NEEDS to get done ASAP-getting fencing estimates and fencing in the back yard, putting another railing on the deck steps (there's only a railing on one side, and there needs to be one on each side), powerwashing and staining the deck, putting in paver stones for the fire pit, and buying patio furniture. First and foremost, though...WE NEED LIVING ROOM FURNITURE. Why the urgency, you ask? Well, some people decide to celebrate their first anniversary with a nice quiet dinner or weekend away with their spouse. Not us. We figure, what better way to celebrate an amazing day topped off with an equally amazing party by...having another party! So, in the event that we can get the house party ready in two months, we will be having a housewarming/first anniversary/for shits and giggles celebration. That's IF we get all this done. I think this weekend is going to be "tough love talk" time with the hubby...with us working opposite schedules (he's usually off Mon/Tue/Wed, and I'm off Fri/Sat/Sun), we NEED to have a game plan.

So...let the fun begin!