Saturday, April 2, 2011

5 weeks to go!

Zomg, sorry for the huge runon paragraph. I swear when I typed this post there were paragraphs, but I've edited twice and its still not cooperating! >:( ('til race day) and I'm slowly but surely getting excited. There's a lot to get through before then-more speedwork and two long runs (11 and 12 miles), one cutback week (next Saturday, 5 miles), and then taper time after the 12 miler. Which is a run that I'm still trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to get done, since the day I'm supposed to do it is the same day as my cousin's bridal shower. In Cincinnati. And the next day is Easter. So right now its looking like I'm going to be joining the early crowd at running group this morning, and crossing my fingers that my mom doesn't want to leave before 10am :$ This past week, training looked like THIS: Sunday-rest Monday-3 miles easy Tuesday-5 miles at a pace faster than easy, but not goal pace Weds-Speedwork. 8x800 Yasso 800 style, with 1 mile each warm up and cooldown. I still can't believe I survived all 8. Thurs-spin class Fri-4 miles easy Sat-10 miles mostly easy, with picking up the pace for the last 2-3 miles. My shin has been pretty well behaved, and my calf discomfort tolerable (without ibuprofen) to nonexistent (with ibuprofen). Yeah, I've been popping a couple of ibuprofen before long runs to manage the this point, its so mild that doing this keeps it at bay completely during the run, and it doesn't come back once the ibuprofen has worn off. Even during speedwork on Weds, the discomfort minus ibuprofen was pretty minor and nowhere near what it was for a couple of weeks so hopefully I can keep this managed through the race. In other news...lets see here. Well, there's not much. Things have been blessedly quiet around here, which is never a bad thing. Especially since springtime means yard work and house projects...yay? I'd better enjoy this quiet time while I have it! :) And yeah...Grey's Anatomy? No more musical episodes, please. I just watched Thursday's ep (thank you DVR) and, uh, that was weird. Please, stop the madness.

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