Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's a great day for a PR!

So yeah...I finished my half today in 1:52:10! My tentative goals were to: 1. run sub-1:50, 2. beat my time from last year's Columbus half (1:55:42), and 3. Beat J's friend B, who was running his first half on very little training. While I didn't break 1:50 (this was an extremely lofty goal for me, and I knew full well my chances of doing it were slim), I did PR, and sort of beat B so I can't complain. By "sort of", I mean that while I crossed the finish line before he did (My clock time was 1:56 something and his was 1:57 something), his chip time (meaning time elapsed between crossing the start line and the finish line) was two minutes less than mine. He started after me (we were in two different corrals) which is why though he had the better time, I crossed the finish line first. I'll take what I can get, and so will my competitive streak! :)

All in all, though, I couldn't have asked for a better race. The weather was GLORIOUS (mid 40's at the start, clear and sunny by the end), the crowd support was great, the twinges I had been feeling in my knee since yesterday evening didn't slow me down, and I managed to see my parents and high five my dad right before I made the turn down the street to the finish line. Plus, I got to see my friend Emily finish (she was running her first half, and did AWESOME despite some knee issues and a line at the bathrooms), and was able to stop and talk to my friend Stevi and her hubby Chris (both did the Chicago Marathon last weekend and their training group worked at one of the water stops on the course today) on my way to my car. To quote Ice Cube, today was a good day :)

Right now, my legs feel pretty good-sore and stiff, but no more than I expected. I came home and had a lovely shower, pizza for lunch, and a nap...and now, life is glorious!

Next up on the race calendar is probably a Halloween weekend 5k, my usual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5 miler, maybe something between those two races, and probably an early December race-I've never done one in December and am trying to run a race in each month of the year so we'll see how that works out :)


Emily said...

Girl, you are FAST! I'm glad you did well today! And thanks again for sticking around to cheer me on!! That meant alot :) :)

I *may* do the Turkey Trot (isn't there the Flying Feather, too?), too - we'll see!

Congrats again!!! Rock on!

Sarah Dee said...

WOW! Congratulations!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great job! You ran super fast!